Turn Back The Clock Of Time

Retinols are the gold standard in skin care, everyone should use them! There isn’t another product on the market that tackles skin issues like acne, hyper-pigmentation, fine lines/wrinkles and helps your skin boost collagen synthesis. It’s a win-win. 

This derivative from Vitamin A helps improve the orderly turnover of the skin, so it appears smooth and even toned. If you are over 25, this truly is the product that will make you look younger than your years!

It often gets a bad rap, some people can be sensitive to retinoids and can leave the skin irritated if not used correctly. I recommend easing into a routine,using them at least 3 days a week and monitoring your skin; if there is any irritation, it’s ok, just back off and reintroduce it to your skin in a few days. People often get frustrated and stop using them, before they have given them a chance to work.

A few tips when using Retinoids; remember to use them at night, all of your treatments should be applied to your skin, while you are sleeping. Especially retinols, they can make your skin more sun sensitive too, so it’s also really important to wear a good sunscreen.

To see dramatic results… keep using your retinols. You only need a pea shaped amount, for your entire face. If you are consistent and patient, you will get the results you are looking for. This is for sure, my best beauty secret!