How to Save Your Skin From Halloween

If you forget to take off the heavy make-up or face paint after a ghoulish evening, you might scare yourself, the next morning to find a few pimples on your skin that weren’t there the day before. Here’s a few tips to protect your skin!

  1. How to prep the skin pre make-up application. Apply a thick coat of your favorite moisturizer and use primer to provide a protective barrier between your skin and all that heavy make-up, glitter and face paint.My personal faves: Jan Marini Transformation Cream and Colorescience PrimerIf you need to rescue your skin from night before… this is what I would do!
  2. Cleanse – Start off by cleansing your skin twice with your favorite cleanser and use your Clarisonic on the highest speed, to scrub those pores clean, without stripping the skin.
  3. Exfoliate – Follow it up with a great exfoliating mask to make sure none of the heavy make up turns into blemishes. I also like to use a clay mask that lifts any impurities and purges those pores of all traces of the night before.
  4. Break-Outs – Don’t let those zits haunt you for weeks after the event, if you do get a blemish, don’t worry about it. Follow these easy tips and your skin will be back in action in no time. I like to use ice therapy on a zit to reduce inflammation, then apply a super zit busting mask, that will dry it out and start the healing process.
  5. Moisturize and Protect – I like to use lightweight moisturizers to hydrate and plump up the skin and I aways use broad spectrum spf to protect my skin.

Have a great Halloween and I hope these tips help keep your skin healthy and glowing!