Retinol: A Skin Care Multi-Tasker That Really Works

Retinol: A Skin Care Multi-Tasker That Really Works

Nothing makes me happier than a good skincare product that not only does it’s job, but does a few others as well.  The gold-standard in active ingredients, Retinol multi-tasks with an impressive degree of effectiveness.  Known for it’s wrinkle smoothing properties, Retinol is not only super effective in cellular turnover, it also keeps pores clear, refines skin texture, improves discolorations and increases collagen.  Even better, Retinol also enhances the absorption of your other skincare products.  With so many uses, today everyone really can benefit from its use for healthier, radiant skin.

The best way to incorporate Retinol is to apply it in your evening routine after washing.  It’s important to note that stronger is not necessarily better when it comes to choosing a Retinol product.  Instead of looking at the percentage of Retinol on the packaging, look for Retinol with a stable formulation and an advanced delivery system that penetrates deep into the skin. In skincare, the best results come from products that deliver the correct amount of active ingredients where most needed.

At the moment, I really like PCA Skin’s suite of Retinol products that each target a specific issue: aging (PCA Skin Intensive Age Refining Treatment 0.5% Pure Retinol Night), acne (PCA Skin Intensive Clarity Treatment 0.5% Pure Retinol Night), or discoloration (Intensive Brightening Treatment 0.5% Pure Retinol Night).  Once you’ve added this powerhouse ingredient to your skin care routine, don’t forget to wear a broad spectrum sunscreen daily since Retinol makes your skin more sensitive to the sun’s rays. People often ask me what’s my secret to staying so youthful. I can honestly answer that I have been using Retinol in my skin care routine since I was in my 20’s. Now go get started with your kick-ass skincare routine, and add some Retinol into the mix!